Top 20 CV Tips from Green Shoots Recruitment Ltd, the Digital, Marketing and Creative Recruitment Agency
for the West and East Midlands
“You are more likely to get an interview with a well presented CV that explains when and where you got your experience.”
“Use a simple well designed easy to read CV. In the creative, marketing and digital sectors employers prefer CV’s that shows some thought into how you present yourself. ”
“Make it Count ”
2 Seconds
It takes around 2 seconds for an employer or recruiter to decide if your CV is suitable or not!
Recognise your achievements and present them in a positive light - an interview is no time to be modest.
You only get a relatively small window to shine
Make it easy to get into the ‘yes’ pile.
Have a clear, precise CV, that is easy to read in a language style that is easy to understand
Be positive about your experience, but don't lie, or over exaggerate the skills you have.
Spelling & Grammar Errors
Having spelling and/or grammar errors in your CV will prevent you getting a job!!!!
95% of the CV's we receive have errors in them!
It is very difficult to spot your own mistakes - ask someone else to proof read it for you.
If you only use one piece of information from this guide, proof read your CV, it could cost you that ideal job!
"i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg, if i an raed ths jsut igamine how mnay msitaeks cluod be in yur CV!"
"Contact Details"
Seems obvious! But we receive CV's with with vital information missing. So don't forget the basics, Your name, telephone numbers, emails and links to your portfolio (where appropriate). Your home address is optional, however a least put in the area you currently in, companies like people who live local. If you are looking to relocate to an area, make this clear on your CV.
Earlier in your career you can put your grades in your CV, this is not necessary as you gain more experience. There is an exception to this, companies often like to know degree grades throughout your career.
"Employment History"
This is the important bit. It should be clear about the experience you have, in each role. Current role should have the most information (unless a previous role is more relevant to the role you are applying for).
- Bullet points work well
- Keep to the point
- Be honest
Be clear with the dates you have worked for a company. Month and year is sufficient.
If you are using a timeline make sure it's clear when you started and finished a role.
Explain any breaks in employment.
"This is your chance to give an overview of your experience, along with an insight into your personality"
Include Skills: You acquire skills with education and experience.
Strengths are things that come naturally to you.
An easy to follow format will help the reader find the information easily.
A basic guide would be
- Name
- Contact information
- Profile
- Work experience
- Education
- Skills
- Interests
- Reference note
Appropriate Content
Depending on your experience, content should be work-focused or education-focused.
Creative Applicants
If you are applying for a creative role, your CV becomes part of the deciding factor as to whether you are a good designer or not. So it's important as a Designer or creative person to not use a template and to put some thought into how you design your CV.
This is your opportunity to showcase your design ability.
It's equally important not to over design it, don't make it too busy.
State; references are available on request, rather than put peoples names on. This is especially important if you are currently employed.
Cover Letter
Most employers will expect a cover letter, it gives you the chance to get your personality across, let them know why you think you are suitable for the job by outlining relevant experience.
When applying for role keep it simple, most job boards accept word or pdf, so supply a CV in that format
"We are individuals"
It's tempting to use the same CV for every job your apply for - DON'T. Read the job advertisement or job description in detail, then make sure your relevant experience, shines through on your CV. Do not over exaggerate.
Check you have relevant skills, qualifications and experience for the job which you are applying.
Check your CV is representing you at your very best.
Check and double check for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.